Hat and Boots Restoration Appeal

Haddenham Baptist Church is facing one of its greatest challenges of recent years. Following a quinquennial inspection, it has been found that there had been serious ingress of water in the building. This appears to be due to  a drainage system which needs upgrading, a roof which over the years has deteriorated and because of the nature of the building material, Witchert,  water has been retained and has seriously damaged the walls.

All of this,  with the help of specialist firms, can be rectified, but at a significant cost.

The estimate for all this work is £750,000, some of which we hope might be covered by grants but we will be fund raising to help us reach this very ambitious target.

We will post regular updates of building progress and fund raising activities, and any other relevant information.

Hat and Boots Restoration Appeal has now rasied £43,000 thanks to the genorisity of many people and profit from specific events.

It’s been 14 months since the Hat and Boots Restoration Appeal was launched to restore the witchert-built historic Haddenham Baptist Church. Since then we have held numerous fundraising activities, attended many community events and received multiple donations from individuals and organisations in the local community. On behalf of our small fundraising team and everyone at Haddenham Baptist Church, we would like to thank everyone who has supported the Appeal, which has so far raised £42,000! This is a fantastic start, but we still have a long way to go. The team is taking a short break from fundraising events over the summer but we’re planning a full and varied programme of fun activities from September onwards. See attached lists of Events. We will continue to publicise each event on Facebook, local websites, posters around Haddenham and Red Kite radio. THANK YOU for your ongoing encouragement and support


We have raised £43,000 to date. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this amazing total

If you are able to donate any money to this appeal please use the links underneath which will take you to our justgiving page. Thank you

Our next event is ‘Talk and tea with Mark Chivers’ Saturday 14th September 3 – 5pm







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