
Housegroup  meets on a Monday evening at 7.30pm. Please look at the newsheet for further details. The Tuesday afternoon housegroup meets once a fortnight, please see the weekly newsheet for details. The Thursday evening Housegroup meets at 7.30pm once a fortnight at the Manse, please see the weekly newsheet for details.

Chatterbox Club
Wednesdays 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. in the Baptist Church Schoolroom. For parents and toddlers. Please telephone Mrs Dawn Cripps on 01844 290944 for further information.

Mission Activities
There are regular events raising money for Mission which are advertised in the weekly newsletter and on the page of the month. Please telephone Mrs Jan Williams on 01844 290869 for further information.

Haddenham Baptist Church is an active member of CTIH and attends the regular meetings. Please telephone Marjorie on 01844 290060 for further information.

Please contact Mr Bill Johnston on 01844 290060 for further information.

Weekly newsletter
Further information can be obtained about the weekly newsletter from Mrs Marjorie Johnston on 01844 290060