News from HBC  4th May 2024

Thoughts and prayers

Please continue to remember all those who are ill, or in need of support. Please remember, Christine Matthews, Mike Sweeney, Jackie Green, David and Carol Francis, Pam Appleby, Peter Gulbenkian and Marjorie Wortley. If you know of anyone who needs our prayers, please let us know.

BMS Birthday Scheme

If you are celebrating, Happy Birthday, and if you haven’t, but would like to join the birthday scheme, please have a word with Katharine Whitney.

We hope Steve Wing and Pam Appleby enjoyed their birthdays this week. Phyllis Stevens celebrates her birthday this week.

Church Flowers 

If you can help Teresa with arranging flowers or are happy to donate some money to buy them, in memory of a loved one, a celebration or for no particular reason at all, just you like to see the flowers. please have a word with her. Thank you.

Church services.

Sunday  5th May  All age worship led by Jonny at 10.15am in the schoolroom with breakfast. If you are able please bring your donations for the Foodbank.

Sunday 12th May Morning worship including Holy Communion led by Jonny at 10.15am

Sunday 12th May Evening worship led by Andy and Jenny Hardy at 6pm

Sunday 19th May Joint morning worship at 10.15am with our Methodist friends at the Baptist Church led by Carol Murray

Sunday 26th May Morning worship led by Jeff Steadman at 10.15am

Sunday 26th May at 5pm number 5 of our Human relationship discussions with Andy Roberts


Thank you to everyone who supports the Food bank. The Foodbank stocks are very low at the moment due to unprecedented demand, so if you are able to give, that would be much appreciated. The Foodbank are in urgent need of pasta sauce, chopped tomatoes, shower gel, tinned custard, tins of soup, packets of biscuits, UHT milk, shampoo and jars of preserves. Thank you


Thank you to everybody who is still supporting the church financially whether that be via bank transfer or money through the door. So far this year, offerings have averaged £743 per week. Our mission total currently stands at £779

‘Hat and Boots’ event

Our next Hat and Boots Restoration Appeal fundraising event is a Spring Concert with the Aylesbury Consort of Voices on Saturday 18th May. The concert will take place at 7.30pm in Haddenham Baptist Church and will include a variety of wonderful music inspired by the themes of spring and renewal. The Consort will be conducted by Edwin Pitt Mansfield and accompanied by Richard Norriss. Places are limited so advance booking is recommended. Tickets cost £15 and are available NOW at Blooming Fruity, Haddenham or online at https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/hbc-hat-boots-restoration… or by contacting us hatbootshbc@gmail.com. Under 16’s are free but you still need to book a complimentary ticket to secure seats. Thank you.

May pole

The crowning of the May Queen will take place at Churchend Green on Saturday 3rd May. They are kindly donating any money to our ‘Hat and Boots’ appeal

Friday prayers

The next prayer meeting will be on Friday 3rd May.  Everyone is welcome to come along between 9am and 10am, in the schoolroom. If you have any prayer requests please let Julie Wing know and they will be said on Friday.

Vintage Church

Vintage Church will meet again on Saturday, 4th May, in the schoolroom, from 2.0 till 4.0pm. Do join us for an afternoon of games, an activity, worship and of course, tea and cakes. All are welcome, especially the seniors amongst us. If you need a lift please contact Joan on 01844 292512 or joan694@hotmail.com.

Ladies Lunch

Dear ladies. Please save the date. Saturday 1st June for a lunch together – probably at the Garden Centre. Please let Julie know if you would like to go so that we can get an idea of numbers  email:wingjulie94@gmail.com


Please remember all the BMS missionaries in your prayers, and Lucia Bastos who works at Guinebor 2 hospital, in Chad, our new link missionary.

Christian Aid week 12th -18th May                                                                                                                                                                                  If you are able to deliver some envelopes Please get in touch with Katharine Whitney, we would be very grateful.

Turn End Teas

Turn End teas in aid of Christian Aid will take place on Monday 5th May. Please see Katharine Whitney for further details

Housegroups                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The Monday House group will meet again on Monday 12th May at 1, Stokes End. The Thursday evening housegroup will meet again on Thursday 15th May Tuesday afternoon house group will meet on 13th May at 2.30 pm for tea, chat, pause for thought.

Keep supporting the food bank if you can …

Food poverty is real in our local communities.

In March 2024 they delivered 167 food parcels (145 in March 2023) providing food for 111 adults and 84 children in 83 households (73 in March 2023). People are either referred by partner agencies or may have self-referred in which case if need is clearly on-going they are then signposted to an appropriate agency for further advice and support. The food bank regularly has to purchase additional food to meet need and is currently spending over £2,000 a month raised through grants and from personal financial donations. As well as running the food bank, Sharing Life Trust is one of the partners running Thame Community Larder. This is open to anyone without referral to provide an affordable way to access healthy staple food, reduce food waste and improve the well-being of local residents. Surplus food is collected from supermarkets in partnership with the national charity Fareshare to reduce food waste. The larder is open each Thursday afternoon 2-4pm and for a very small fee individuals and families can choose generously from items in the larder plus fresh fruit and veg and enjoy the free community café. It currently has 160 members and had a recent record attendance of 137 in one afternoon in March

If you would like anything included in the weekly news sheet please contact Marjorie Johnston on marjoriejohnston@f2s.com