Our Why
Our Why
HBC is a broad church that seeks to open and inclusive of people at all stages of their faith journey and from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. This makes us really comfortable with questions and searching. And so, we don’t have an explicit basis of faith. What we do have is a ‘Why.’ This is why we gather together and do this thing called church.
We believe God exists, loves us all people and wants to renew all things.
We believe we need each other to know God in all God’s fullness, to experience God’s love in all its power, and to live in God’s life of justice and joy.
We believe that in following this vision we will be living the lives we were made to live and our community and all of creation will be blessed.
We believe all of this is known and possible through all that God has revealed and done in Jesus Christ and in the power and love of the Holy Spirit.